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"Top 10" Favorite Heirloom Tomatoes For 2025
Top 10 Favorite Heirloom Tomatoes for 2015

"Top 10" Favorite Heirloom Tomatoes

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The "Top 10" heirloom tomatoes were selected from the top 10 most popular tomato varieties from a survey of our TomatoFest customer base of home gardeners and tomato farmers. The results of our survey resulted in the "Top 10" Favorite Heirloom Tomatoes.

"Our survey demonstrated again that consumers still want the maximum of those "old fashioned" robust flavors in choosing what tomato varieties to grow in their home garden. The same with farmers growing for produce markets and restaurants where taste is the priority," says Ibsen. "Tomatoes that are considered to be among the "best tasting" varieties, whether that means big, bold, complex flavors with lots of acid, or those varieties perceived to be sweeter, with well-balanced flavors are the priority considerations for popularity of heirloom tomatoes in America."

The most popular tomato varieties continue to be the tomato varieties that offer that big burst of old-fashioned, complex, rich tomato flavors that provide a generous amount of acids to balance the sugars resulting in a tang of tartness. The "heirloom tomato classics," the old-time, favorite, red, pink and "black" beefsteak tomatoes, still provide the foundation of loyalty among tomato growers. Tomatoes with a high level of sweetness, like some of the favored yellow, orange and striped tomatoes also reign high in rankings.

This is the sixth year that TomatoFest surveyed our customers for their "Top 10" favorite tomatoes.

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