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We are delighted to offer you our prized TomatoFest Heirloom Tomato Seed Collections. In creating for you each collection, we chose varieties that we considered tried & true winners' and grouped them into a tomato collection to offer you a diverse range of colors, shapes, sizes, and flavors. We assembled collections with fewer tomato varieties for the gardener with less gardening space, and tomato collections with a generous selection of tomato varieties for the gardener who had more gardening space that would allow for growing a greater variety of heirloom tomatoes. In assembling these heirloom tomato collections we considered adding a variety that might not be discovered on its own, in order to expand your tomato experience. (Think of the great back-up singer that never gets noticed until called out for a solo). I also considered pricing to allow you selections that could best fit into your budget.

The TomatoFest Heirloom Tomato Seed Collections are an easy and practical way to introduce yourself to a wonderful selection of heirloom tomatoes...and they make the perfect gift. Consider giving a gift of a TomatoFest Heirloom Tomato Seed Collection for a gardener friend or family member for any holiday, special occasion (birthday, Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Hanukkah) or just to recognize another that you appreciate someone and their love of gardening. Or purchase a tomato seed collection for a local school garden or community garden project. Send a message that you appreciate the significance of planting a seed ...Every Seed A Possibility.

Try one of the TomatoFest Heirloom Seed Collections:

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"TOP 10" Heirloom Tomatoes Seed Collection "TOP 10" Heirloom Tomatoes Seed Collection

The "Top 10" most popular tomato varieties in a survey of 62,000 home gardeners and tomato farmers.

Contains: Black Cherry, Brandywine Sudduth's Strain, Chocolate Stripes, Blondkopfchen, Black Krim, Brandywine OTV, Amana Orange, Azoychka, Cherokee Chocolate, and Sunset's Red Horizon (not shown).

Our Price: $33.00
Hearts & Flowers Tomato and Flower Seed Collection Hearts & Flowers Tomato and Flower Seed Collection

Top favorite heart-shaped tomatoes and flowers for ANY special occasion or appreciation.

Contains: Giant Red Oxheart, Heart of Compassion, Homer Fike's Yellow Oxheart, Velvet Queen Sunflower, Teddy Bear Sunflower, Hella Sonnenblume Sunflower, Lemon Queen Sunflower, Strawberry Calendula.

Our Price: $25.00
Dagma's Favorites -Tomato Seed Collection Dagma's Favorites Tomato Seed Collection

Top favorite tomatoes recommended by Dagma Lacey of TomatoFest.

Contains: Amish Gold, Tiger Paw, Hazel Mae, Black Prince, Lime Green Salad, Camp Joy, Zarnitza, Marianna's Peace, German Red Strawberry.

Our Price: $29.95
Gary's Favorites Tomato Seed Collection Gary's Favorites Tomato Seed Collection

Top" Favorite tomatoes" recommended by Gary Ibsen of TomatoFest.

Contains: Aussie, Black Cherry, Black Krim, Brandywine, Suddath's Strain, Dagma's Perfection, Flamme, Green Zebra, Kellogg's Breakfast.

Our Price: $29.00
Gourmet Tomato Seed Collection Gourmet Tomato Seed Collection

Top "Gourmet" selection of tomatoes.

Contains: Black Zebra, Blondkopfchen, Box Car Willie, Brandywine OTV, Costoluto Genovese, Garden Peach, Hillbilly, Julia Child, Orange Strawberry, and Paul Robeson (not shown).

Our Price: $35.00
Cherry Tomato Seed Collection Cherry Tomato Seed Collection

Favorite cherry tomatoes recommended for a variety of colors, shapes and flavors.

Contains: Black Plum, Coyote, God Love, Grandpa's Minnesota, Hawaiian Currant, Isis Candy, Super Snow White, Yellow Pear.

Our Price: $26.00
Sauce Tomato Seed Collection Sauce Tomato Seed Collection

Favorite tomatoes recommended for making the "most delicious tomato sauce" with robust, complex flavors.

Contains: Aunt Lucy's Italian Paste, Grandma Mary, Power's Heirloom, Purple Russian, Russian Big Roma, San Marzano, Wonder Light.

Our Price: $25.00
Favorite Canning Tomatoes Collection Favorite Canning Tomatoes Seed Collection

Top favorite tomatoes recommended for canning. Big, robust flavors.

Contains: Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red, All Meat, Black Prince, Djena Lee's Golden Girl, Bison, Backa, Earl of Edgecombe, Santa Clara Canner.

Our Price: $25.00
Patio Gardener Tomato Seed Collection Patio Gardener Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended the patio gardener. Smaller-sized. Big flavor.

Contains: Amber Colored, Angora Super Sweet, Black Ethiopian, Burbank Slicing, Dona, Sophie's Choice, White Bush, Ace 55.

Our Price: $25.00
Short Season Tomato Seed Collection Short Season Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended for growing in regions with Short Seasons.

Contains: Buckbee's New 50 Day, Early Annie, Marmande, Moskovich, Northern Lights, Orange Roma, Peche Jaune, Siletz, Sunset's Red Horizon.

Our Price: $26.00
Cooler Coastal Tomato Seed Collection Cooler Coastal Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended for growing Cooler Coastal areas.

Contains: Japanese Black Trifele, Gold Dust, Sasha's Altai, Nikolayev Yellow Cherry, Sunset's Red Horizon, Heinz-9129, Azoychka, Stupice

Our Price: $28.00
Tropical Hot/Humid Tomato Seed Collection Tropical Hot/Humid Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended for growing Hot and Humid areas.

Contains: Arkansas Marvel, Homestead 24, Atkinson, Chocolate Stripes, Mortgage Lifter Radiator Charlie's, Beam's Yellow Pear, Hawaiian Currant, Anahu.

Our Price: $28.00
Tropical Container Garden Tomato Seed Collection Tropical Container Garden Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended for container gardeners in hot/humid tropical climates.

Contains: Bush Beefsteak, Gold Nugget Cherry, Kewalo, New Big Dwarf, Principe Borghese, Taxi, Homestead 24.

Our Price: $23.00
Giant Tomato Seed Collection Giant Tomato Seed Collection

Top GIANT tomatoes recommended "big tomato" contests.

Carol Chyko's Big Paste, Dinner Plate, Dixie Golden Giant, Giant 11, Giant Belgium, Giant Oxheart, Green Giant, Ultimate Giant.

Our Price: $29.00
High-Altitude Tomato Seed Collection High-Altitude Tomato Seed Collection

Top tomatoes recommended for growing in higher altitude regions with shorter growing.

Contains: Sasha's Altai, Earliana, Nikolayev Yellow Cherry, Prescott, Aurora, Black Cherry, Gold Dust, Azoychka.

Our Price: $28.00
Indoor Container Tomato Collection #1 Indoor Container Tomato Collection #1

TOP tomatoes for indoor container gardening or patio containers. Suited for growing indoors any season.

Contains: New Big Dwarf, Black Sea Man, Early Wonder, Tiny Tim, Amber Colored, Silvery Fir Tree, Beliy Naliv.

Our Price: $23.00
Indoor Container Tomato Collection #2 Indoor Container Tomato Collection #2

TOP tomatoes for indoor container gardening or patio containers. Suited for growing indoors any season.

Contains: Bush Beefsteak, Principe Borghese, Sophie's Choice, Grushovka, Manitoba, Sprite, Cream Sausage.

Our Price: $20.00