Summer Sweet Gold - Organic Tomato Seeds
Summer Sweet Gold - Tomato
Summer Sweet Gold tomato
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Our Price: $5.50
Days: 90
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Yellow-Orange
Season: Late Season
Seeds Per Pack: 15 - 20

Product Code: TF-0474M

Indeterminate, dwarf (tree-type) plants with rugose potato leaf foliage produce very high yields of 6-18 oz., large, meaty, light- yellow beefsteak fruits, some with pinkish blush at the blossom end. Outstanding sweet and full flavors. This is Summertime Gold, reselected and improved, but with a new and distinct name. One of the best flavored of all of the dwarf tomatoes.
History: Dwarf Tomato Project. " When the original release of 'Summertime Gold' showed too much of a similarity to 'Dwarf Mr. Snow', likely due to some lingering segregation of genes, Craig LeHoullier and Lee Newman began a new selection process. The result is this improved version that they named 'Summer Sweet Gold', which is exactly what they had hoped for with the original release of 'Summertime Gold.' A bit smaller in average size and a bit later in maturing than 'Summertime Gold', This variety was commercially introduced in 2015." This variety is associated with the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI).

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