Buckbee's New 50 Day - Organic Heirloom Tomato Seeds
Buckbee's New 50 Day
Buckbee's New 50 Day Tomato
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Our Price: $4.50
Days: 50
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red
Season: Very Early Season
Seeds Per Pack: 15 - 20

Product Code: TF-0091


A respected commercial heirloom from before 1930 that was introduced by H.W. Buckbee. Their 1930 catalog states, "The largest fruited, the smoothest, the finest in quality of all early scarlet tomatoes." Donated to USDA in 1962 then Craig LeHoullier obtained seeds from the National Seed Storage Lab around 1995.
In February 2023 I received a request for these seeds from Kate Hernandez who wrote, "Buckbee Seed Company was started by my great, great grandfather. I am looking forward to growing these heirloom tomatoes (originally) from his company. My father, who is ninety-five, whose middle name is Buckbee, said he was thrilled that I am going to start growing and saving these heirlooms for future generations of our family."
This plant yields heavy crops of great tasting 6 oz., red, round fruit. A great cooler, short season variety.

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